Help us raise $10,000 by December 31, 2010.
By donating $10 before the end of 2010, you can enroll a high school student in the country’s fastest-growing program for constitutional literacy.
The Harlan Institute offers FantasySCOTUS, the first ever educational Supreme Court fantasy league. We introduce high school students to Supreme Court cases with easy-to-understandlesson plans. We ask students to make predictions on the votes of the Justices on pending Supreme Court cases. We challenge students to analyze the constitutional issues on classroom blogs. We connect students with attorney mentors through Skype video chats usingHARLANconnect. The Harlan Institute is fun, interactive, and competitive.
In just two months, more than 1,000 students have played FantasySCOTUS. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. One teacher commented that “the Harlan Institute fits exactly what we do in class.” A group of students preferred to express their appreciation for Harlan through a 4 minute video that can be seenhere.
The media’s response has been similarly flattering. This article from the National Law Journal highlights Harlan’s impact on constitutional knowledge, while this CNN article speaks to the novelty of a free educational program like Harlan.
As the Harlan Institute continues to grow, we have ambitious plans for the New Year. With your help, we will enroll 10,000 students by the end of 2011—that’s 10,000 students who will gain a deeper appreciation of our Constitution and the Supreme Court.
We’re confident that Harlan is an important development in the future of education. We ask that you contribute $10.00 today as part of our goal to raise $10,000 before January 1, and be a part of our mission to help educate the leaders of tomorrow about our most fundamental laws.
Click here to donate today.
Thank you for your support.