Take a look at this C-SPAN poll which queried what people think about the Supreme Court. (H/T Above The Lawfor the screen shots of the poll).
Approximately 80% of 18-24 year olds cannot name the most recent nominee to the Supreme Court, Elena Kagan.
Additionally, only 33% of 18-24 year olds could name a single case decided by the Supreme Court. Less than 1% can name Plessy v. Ferguson and Marbury v. Madison.
The results are quite depressing, and are a sad commentary on the knowledge of our young citizenry on the Supreme Court and the Constitution.
Among people 18-24, the results are appreciably worse. This shows me that students are not gaining the necessary education in High School and College.
All the more reason why our work at the Harlan Institute to teach students about the Supreme Court and the Constitution is vital.