In the case of Fisher v. University of Texas, the University is right to want a diverse student body. As the director of an university I understand how difficult excepting and not excepting students is. To make the campus we run the best it can be with a diverse group of students. My institution believes that having a diverse group of students whether it is race, religion, or ethical background will grow our students and campus perspective on life. Having different races on our campus allows for more culture into the lives of our students. Having student with different backgrounds also allows for different religious beliefs and economic background. Students are so used to what they were raised with and when they get to college they should be able to see different ways people believe and live. College is all about spreading your wings and learning this that you would not have learned at a college that has every student from the same background. The University of Texas should continue to promote diversity in the college but also be fair to all applicants. The rule of accepting all the students who are in the top 10% of their class is a great rule. You know you will get the students who strive for excellence in their school work. However, they need to also have students of different backgrounds because they could be granting students who never thought they could attend an excellent university, a chance at a better life. The University of Texas is right for wanting diversity in their institution.