The Fourteenth Amendment is not colour-blind. Blatantly stated, the Fourteenth Amendment in itself brings direct attention toward African Americans and Native Americans. By doing so it excludes all other races or ethnicities. If the Fourteenth Amendment was colour-blind, it would be entirely irrelevant. The purpose of the amendment is to create equality between all races, and by doing so offers more to some than others. This gives the amendment the capability to distinguish one race from another. The definition of racism is: discrimination against someone of a different race. By giving more to someone because of his or her race, it discriminates against the race that gets less, as well as implying that the race that gets more is not capable of getting what is needed for themselves. In cases like Fisher v. the University of Texas, this point is made. Regardless of whether Abigail Fisher was or was not discriminated against, we see that it could be possible for this to occur. Equality cannot be achieved by discrimination, because contrary to popular belief, the majority can be discriminated against. Although the amendment is a glorious idea, in the real world, it doesn’t work. If a minority is discriminated against, everyone attacks the discriminator, but if a majority is discriminated against, it is viewed as “equality.” Therefore, the Fourteenth Amendment completely and unjustifiably discriminates against certain races and ethnicities by using methods that are altogether out-dated.