The conflict between diversity and discrimination is a big one, especially in the case Fisher vs University of Texas. At UT, and any other state university, the top 10 percent of students at each high school are automatically admitted. But those who are not, such as Fisher, those in admissions are allowed to use racial backgrounds into account when accepting applicants. In this case, Texas University denied Fisher’s application to their college. Fisher believes that “because preference was given to racially diverse candidates” she was denied admission, and sued the school under the Equal Protection Clause. Fisher states that this was a discriminatory act, while others believe that it is constitutional because in the “real world” you must be able to live in an integrated society with many different races. But if racial profiling is illegal during law enforcement, in airports and on planes, and when making hiring decisions, how is racial profiling in schools any more justified? The easiest way to solve this controversy would simply be to treat everyone the same no matter their race or ethnicity, but that is an unrealistic dream. People are aways going to act prejudice and think that just because someone has a different skin color, they are going to act a certain way. Sadly, most people would admit they feel safer walking by a white man in a dark ally than a black man. In the case of Fisher vs University of Texas, the school’s attempt at diversifying their students was an act of racial profiling because they were giving more points to applicants who were from different ethnicities or races. For example, if the college received two applicants who were virtually the same, the minority applicant would be accepted. That is a form or racial profiling and should not be allowed.